8 easy steps to create content on social media

Grab a stack of post it notes, your favorite latte and pen and get ready.  Today I'm sharing my easy 8 step system to creating consistent social media content for your biz.


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STEP 1: Pick your platform and decide how many days you’re committing to showing up each week! Consistency is key here so committing to showing up each week on specific days is a step you can't overlook.  Your audience needs to know when and where to expect to find you.  Don’t get overwhelmed with needing to create content for TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Pinterest.  Your Ideal Client Avatar (ICA) isn't consuming on all of them so you start out creating for the platform they play on.  As you get better, and more consistent, with what you do you can re-purpose your content for other platforms but really given how often the socials change how they work I find it's best to be proficient in the 1 or 2 that your audience is most likely to search and consume your content on and stick to that.  

Think of it this way: If your ICA is a 'Karen' (come back to me now because I know you just mentally laughed out loud and thought of the 'Karen' you personally know), she's most likely on Instagram or Facebook.  Therefore your content needs to speak to her, where she is and you don't need to waste your time and energy getting to know Tiktok.  

STEP 2: Do your research  Every morning I set a “Get Inspired” timer for no more than 20 minutes and I allow myself to scroll my favorites socials.  Instagram Reels and Pinterest are where you'll find my utilizing that time.  What am I doing though?  I'm seeing what inspires me so that I can save it and come back to it later when I'm ready to re-create what I saw in my own words and point of view.  Once the timer goes off, make sure you stop consuming. It's way to easy for 20 minutes on the gram to become an hour of Reels viewing.  

STEP 3: Brain dump! For the busy entrepreneur that you are, this is the best way to ensure you keep up with the creative ideas that pop into your brain as you go throughout your day.  Create a note on your phone to jot things down as you think of them, or a google doc you can share with someone else on your team for collaboration.  

Pay attention to things like what questions have you been asked lately? I find that Facebook Messenger is where this pops up the most from the groups I'm in.  I also watch for patterns of questions in groups I join.   

STEP 4: Create content categories that you can rotate through and assign content topics to. (Best loal places for a cocktail, behind the scenes, Q& A sessions, must know tips, little known secrets, etc. etc).  As you do your brain dump, you'll begin to be able to assign the ideas to the categories so that you can develop a rhythm for what you post, and when. 

STEP 5: Create an album in your camera roll for “brand photos” and a folder on your desktop to download stock photos to – I recommend grabbing a Social Squares membership because they have such great stock photos and videos.  And no, I don't have an affiliation with them-I'm just recommending them because they rock and I use them personally! 

For photos on your phone, go through your camera roll and look for photos that represent  topics you want to incorporate into your strategy and create an album you can easily pull from.. Check your calendar topics and see which images pair well with your content.  

Pro Tip: Incorporate yourself into these photos so that your personality comes through and it makes you "Un-Copiable".  Which means that other people in your industry can't copy your creations because your face shows up in them. 

STEP 6: Re-Purpose Into Reels Or Live Streams.  This can really set you apart in your niche, as it builds people's trust in your knowledge or expertise.  Allowing your consumer to see your face and hear your voice binds them to you in a way that ensures when they are ready to purchase from you, or utilize your service you are the ONLY one they think of. 

Pro Tip: Take a look at what blog or email you're creating for the week.  The subject lines or blog titles can often be used as the 'hook' to your Reels or Live Streams.  (Always be re-purposing my friend!)

STEP 7: Map it out in a content planner.  Click here to download the one that I created for my personal planning and use over and over again.  Knowing in advance what content you're producing each week will save you time and mental energy, allowing you to stay in your zone of genius and do what you do best.  Content block has nothing on you boo!

STEP 8: Jump into Canva and get creating.  Seriously, if you haven't tried out Canva by now, what are you waiting for?  Go ahead and invest in the pro version.  You won't regret it because of how versatile it makes your business.  You can create almost anything in Canva.  


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 "Oh my forking shirtballs I love listening to Joanne on the B-Word Podcast!" < if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show!  You know the algorithm bots take a look at how many reviews a podcast has in order to recommend the show to others.    So by doing me this quick favor I can support more people-just like you buttercup!- move out of overwhelm and into having a business that's sassy, classy and a little bad assey.  

Simply click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review".  (Oh...and did you know you can do that once a year?  So feel free to leave another one for me!)

Also, if you haven't done so already, grab an exclusive subscription to the podcast.  I'm adding a bunch of episodes that are JUST for the exclusive subscribers, and if you're not following, you'll miss out.  (Exclusive subscriptions are purchased on your mobile Apple app)

Since You Loved This Episode, Here's A Few Other Episodes I Know You'll Enjoy:

Exclusive: How To Create An Elevator Pitch For Your Social Media Bio

Episode 91: Less Contenting, More Commenting To Grow Your Instagram

Links mentioned in this episode:

<< The Chic Clique Membership


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Burning The F*cking Boat

The Path of Discomfort to Empowerment with Lindsey Schwartz

Cracking The Code On The Perfect(ish) Pitch

Building a Business One Cupcake and Determination at a Time with Mi...

Oh Snap!  It's So Easy!

Your biz runs on referrals, right?   Mine does too. 

It's true. You know you can easy peasy lemon-squeezy send me one?

How?  I'm So glad you asked! By leaving a review.

(Don't worry, I didn't know how to do that either, so I made this cute little video to show ya 😊


You got it Jo! Let's Go Write that Review!

Before You Go Any Further...

Are we besties yet?