Your Message Doesn't Have To Be Complicated with Krystal Proffitt

Krystal is a stay-at-home mom who launched a podcast and found her place in life. Now, she's published over 1,000 episodes and over 400 YouTube videos. She's been a speaker at Ramsey Solutions Influencer Event and Amy Porterfield's Momentum Membership and has a best seller Amazon book.
She's also my podcast coach. Yes, I firmly believe that everyone needs a coach or mentor (or both!) in their life!
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Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe
Podcasters like to talk, and the perfect place to find them all is at a podcasters conference. Have you ever thought about attending one? Krystal is a speaker at Podcasters Momentum, which is a conference for people who are in the podcast space because they love it. As one of the only women podcasting coaches in a space dominated by men....her voice and message is important to hear.
Schedule Your Podcast Around YOU
Here's the secret sauce to being able to stay consistent with your content. Lean in close and take notes because it's the best advice you'll ever get. Create a product that works for YOU. Krystal's second podcast, The Poddy Report, is a 5 minute a day podcast where she talks about her day, her life, and what's going on. And guess what? She gets more comments on that than any other podcast or production she does. She records in the mornings when it's convenient for her and pushes publish. That makes it easy for her to handle, she knows she can be consistent with it and it works well in her life-style.
Image if you merged your dream career with your dream life-style? What would that look like for YOU?
Put A Stake In The Ground
Krystal realized by speaking with her coach, Amy Porterfield, that her voice and perspective are unique. There are millions of podcasts available, and hundreds of men who coach you how to create one. But there's not many women teaching on it. Now she's all in and her zone of genius is helping others (like me!) move past simply picking up the microphone and getting started to tweaking your podcast to the one you dream it could be.
Krystal's Best Advice
You do not need to do both audio podcasting and YouTube podcasting at the same time...until you're ready for both. They are different platforms and the mentality of being in a creative space to show up on both can take some time. Get solid on the audio platform first and then when you're rolling in a solid and consistent format you can add on the video as part of your strategy stacking. Why audio first? Because you cannot replicate the relationship you have with your listeners. They gobble up your material and feel like they know you as a person.
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Since You Loved This Episode, Here's A Few Other Episodes I Know You'll Enjoy:
Episode 81: 8 Steps To Creating Consistent Social Media Content
Episode 103: Why I Started A Podcast and How It's Grown My Business To 6 Figures
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