The Year Of The Sphere Starts With Customer Experience

Keep The Customer Experience at the Forefront Of Your Business

If you want the majority of your business to run by referral or sphere, then the overall customer experience had better become your number 1 priority.  (Yes even above and beyond lead generation ðŸ˜ē)



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Every entrepreneur thinks their experience is great.  Seriously they do.  None of us set out to do business with the intentionality of "let it suck".  The question is this:
Do you really understand how to create an experience that results in Super Fans who rave about it?

In today's episode I'm diving into the mindset behind customer experience, why it's critical and giving you some insights to consider.  I'll even share some funny examples from my own experiences that will make you laugh. 

Want weekly tips and advice from me sent straight to your cell?  I'm here for ya girlfriend.  Simply text the word "Tips" to my texting community at 678-736-8055


Click here to listen!

 More of a 'watch it in person' kind of a person?  I dig it.  Check out the full episode on You Tube!

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 "Oh my forking shirtballs I love listening to Joanne on the B-Word Podcast!" < if that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show!  You know the algorithm bots take a look at how many reviews a podcast has in order to recommend the show to others.    So by doing me this quick favor I can support more people-just like you buttercup!- move out of overwhelm and into having a business that's sassy, classy and a little bad assey.  

Simply click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review".  (Oh...and did you know you can do that once a year?  So feel free to leave another one for me!)

Also, if you haven't done so already, grab an exclusive subscription to the podcast.  I'm adding a bunch of episodes that are JUST for the exclusive subscribers, and if you're not following, you'll miss out.  (Exclusive subscriptions are purchased on your mobile Apple app)

Since You Loved This Episode, Here's A Few Other Episodes I Know You'll Enjoy:

Episode 93: Throw A Baller Event On A Budget

Episode 74: Mastering the Foundation of Referrals With Stacey Brown Randall

Links mentioned in this episode:

<< The Chic Clique Membership

<< 25 FREE subject lines to Swipe and Use Yourself!

 ðŸ“– Read the Transcript

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🎙ïļBinge the latest episodes ðŸŽ™ïļ

Burning The F*cking Boat

The Path of Discomfort to Empowerment with Lindsey Schwartz

Cracking The Code On The Perfect(ish) Pitch

Building a Business One Cupcake and Determination at a Time with Mi...

Oh Snap!  It's So Easy!

Your biz runs on referrals, right?   Mine does too. 

It's true. You know you can easy peasy lemon-squeezy send me one?

How?  I'm So glad you asked! By leaving a review.

(Don't worry, I didn't know how to do that either, so I made this cute little video to show ya 😊


You got it Jo! Let's Go Write that Review!

Before You Go Any Further...

Are we besties yet?